Posts Tagged ‘ tribal ’

Heart Tattoos…

I started off this project with the idea of tattoos in mind… Why? Because they can be simplistic but they can also be detailed, they are very much a personal choice…

I looked at various samples, starting off with tribal designs, with the harsh lines and basic.

However, as I said before, I found them to be too harsh and loosing their femininity… With a cold vibe.

Secondly, I researched into various designs, in my eyes, the more traditional and common approach to heart tattoos.

I really like these designs, they have an innocent, cartoon, childlike vibe from them which much more uplifting than the tribal designs.

Among researching these designs I also came across these designs…

I think these are amazing and very inspirational but the main thing is that they remind me of death. With this in mind also what my charity is about I feel like it is very inappropriate. I do not wish or believe that they would buy a t-shirt which reminds them of that moment.